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Anime Park 2020 Terms and Conditions:


Our Con is through Canton High School, all school rules apply to our con. We want to ensure that we are allowed to hold our con in the future, so please follow all rules.


Dress Code:

  • No weapons of any kind including but not limited to nerf guns, carboard cutouts, plastic Halloween props, airsoft guns, baseball bats (wood, metal and plastic), or pocket knives.

  • Don’t wear cosplays that could be easily misinterpreted as something else. (ex. Military)

  • No bikini tops or bottoms.

  • Belly shirts are allowed.

  • Shirt and shoes are required at all times.

  • No nudists

  • All shoes must have a sort of rubber sole.

    • Allowed:

      • Flip flops

      • Sports sandals

      • Converse

      • Tennis shoes

      • Boots

    • Not Allowed

      • Track shoes

      • Cleats 

      • Spiked shoes

  • If you have a sign, it must be PG!

    For example:

    • Acceptable

      • "Free Hugs!"

    • Unacceptable

      • "Will Yaoi for Yuri"


General Rules:

  • No horseplay (We already don't allow weapons, so please don't try to play fight with what you aren't supposed to have.) This is a school event so please, act accordingly.

  • Stay in the designated convention areas.

  • Be respectful to everyone attending or working the convention.

  • Please treat the school/venue with respect. Pick up trash, clean up after yourself and respect the area just in general.




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